Saturday, January 23, 2010

Alexa Check To Evaluate Your SEO Effort

If you want to get higher rank specially in Google or you want to increase pagerank of your site, than you would consider these three factors to your search engine ranking or your Search Engine Optimation effort. Alexarank, pagerank and backlink. Always use at least these three as parameters to evaluate your search engine optimation efforts. With at least these three factors as your search engine ranking or your Search Engine Optimation evaluation parameters than you can easily increase your pagerank. You can use this tool as a pagerank checker, alexarank checker or even as backlink checker

What is pagerank?
Pagerank is how Google as number one search engine that most of internet users use to find anything on internet give a rank to your site. It gives ranking based on your quality backlink. So to increase pagerank of your site, you need to get as much as possible quality backlinks to your site. Quality backlink meant here is backlink from a site which its content is relevant with your content

What is alexarank?
Alexarank is how Alexa give a rank to your site based on your unique visitor number. The lower the alexarank of the site so it means that the site have more unique visitors. So if you able to drive more and more traffic to your site, than you will get lower alexarank.

What is backlink?
Backlink is a link from other site to your site. A quality backlink is when your site got a link from other site which its content is relevant with your content. You can get quality backlink by submit your site to directory with relevant category or post an article or post a good comment in a blog that its content relevant to your content. Just remember that it just not the number of links but the quality of links

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