Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tips To Delete the Image Border

Hello, Friends, when do you often insert an image, when you are posting in your blog?, like this .

Sometimes we feel bother with the border of the image, for example


If you want to delete the border of the image, you can follow the following instruction.

  1. Login into blogger with your account
  2. Click Layout
  3. Click Edit HTML tab
  4. Click Download full template, and please backup your template first
  5. Find the similar code below in your template.


    .post img {
    border:1px solid $bordercolor;

  6. Delete this code line

    border:1px solid $bordercolor;
  7. Click Save template
  8. Finish

It is easy, isn’t? Now if you insert smile in your posting, trust me that there won’t be any image border again.

See you in my next posting


  1. bukannya g mw tampil boz..msh dlm thap pndftaran..blom diapprove.. :D
    doain biar diapprove yach..amin

  2. wahkeren berguna sekali, ntar wan coba dech, hehehehe
    oia mohon masukannya yh, Kenapa dengan wn-yah,


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