Sunday, February 7, 2010

Free Download Zoundry Raven - Blog Editor

There are many applications that allow you to write blog posts without using the default web interface for Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal, or any other blog platform. But most have one limitation - you must download and install the application on each and every computer you plan to work on. While Raven Zoundry may not have many features like Windows Live Writer or as easy to use as ScribeFire, the free Windows tool has one major advantage: You can install it to a portable flash drive and use it on any Windows computer.

Zoundry Raven supports about two dozen platforms including Wordpress, Blogger, moveable Type, TypePad, and LiveJournal. The program has a WYSIWYG editor and supports the ability to upload images and add tables to the blog post. Zoundry Raven also let you choose from a small list of remote storage option if you want to upload all your blog images to Picasa Web Albums, Flickr, or other online storage sites.

ZoundryRaven allows you to create a posting with the display mode and WYSIWYG XHTML, so as if you make edits like when you log in your account. Also with the addition of pictures easily and others.

This software is provided free of charge. Good news again, tersdia also in portable version.

Here are some ZoundryRaven Features
- Tabbed true WYSIWYG Editing
The better, and look real close to the results in your template
- Manage multiple media storage services
Set the different media services (Picasa, Image Shack, Ripway, custom FTP) to various blogs. Sharing a media service with a few blogs.
- Improved Content Management
Content management is very easy. You can see the content-based links, pictures, blogs and tags.
- Manage multiple blogs offline
You can publish a similar article to multiple blogs.

Download Now



  1. wee..nice info sob, easy and useful...
    succses for all...

  2. makasih mas
    saya pernah coba juga
    tapi jarang tak manfaatkan :)

  3. Wih keren nih sob...Tx infonya!!

  4. mantep nih.. kayak nya harus di coba... tapi.. gmn cara pemakaiannya ?? masih bingung... posting juga donk tutorialnya.. ^_^


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