Tuesday, November 2, 2027

Photo manipulation using Photofunia

Have you ever imagine your picture on the billboard installed in the city, or photos you become famous magazine covers that are read by a beautiful woman,
or your photos are on display in an art gallery??.
if you do not control or photoimpact photoshop or others this is where the Photofunia .. done on-line, how very easy and convenient with just a few steps you have become an important person
Prepare a close-up of the most handsome or the most beautiful .. definitely made the file size small, around
a hundred kilobytes long to let no loadingnya.
Run browser and go to www.photofunia.com wait a while to wait for the loading effect which will you choose.

Select / click one of the desired effect

Browse and select your image, click open

Wait a while and have become your fantasy picture ..

Click save to save the image .., then you get a great picture .....


  1. banyak sekali yg seperti ini sekarang ya :D
    herannya kok bisa baca bagian awajh yg mana gitu lo :D
    canggih tenan

  2. mantap sobat tutorialnya
    sukses luar biasa cerdas untuk anda

  3. mantap artikelnya. saya coba kapan-kapan aja. ayo komentar di blog saya ada 2 artikel bari. jadilah anda komentator pertama disana... terima kasih.

  4. heheh lumayan buat tmbahan ilmu....thanks sob ..good artikel

  5. wuis.. keren sobt.. kayak buat baliho... huhuhy..
    thanks 4 share.. :D

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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