Monday, January 18, 2010

Practical Tips Internet Connection Speed

Social net sites like Facebook directly stimulate the number of Internet users Indonesia. of which did not know anything about the internet, now many people are more familiar with the internet. but the slow speed internet connection or access frequently complained about some people, either using a laptop or personal computer. therefore it needs to be done several ways to "trip" your cruise more smoothly and fun.
The following Practical steps Accelerate your Internet connection:

  • The first way you can do is to disable the files or programs that often hinder the speed of page display (web), such as page images, adove flash plug-ins, Java applets and JavaScript in your browser settings facilities are available. by minimizing the above features are faster connection for lighter pageviews.
  • Advised to seek an alternative browser that only displays pages in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).This will maximize your cruising speed for the required bandwidth decreases. besides, you can "hunt" a variety of applications available in cyberspace to create a minimalist web interface or application that can automatically separate and change the size of large pages into smaller ones.
  • Keep in mind that basically requires a personal computer media Network Interface Card (NIC) or Ethernet Card to connect to the network. Ethernet protocol works with TCP / IP to establish communications with other media in the network. to speed up the connection, maximize the function of the Ethernet Card with optimizing application configuration TCP / IP. you can download the application from the Internet.
  • For laptop users a way that "unique" is eligible for consideration, namely by using the 2.4 GHz antenna.. material making it fairly simple antenna, for example, tin cans and a frying pan / skillet. for those who rely on wireless signals to connect, can access the antenna manufacturing step through search sites on the Internet. but keep in mind the rules applicable law.
  • Now it's time your fingers dancing to broaden your horizons through the internet ...

Selamat mencoba........ Good luck ........


  1. keren nih speed internet connectionna

  2. terima kasih, mantap nih. terutama internet di indonesia kan masih lambat. dengan tambahan ini akan tertolong kali ya.


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